Selly Oak New Road (SONR) Phase 1B scheme is the final section of the overall SONR project, routing the main A38 around the centre of Selly Oak. Phase 1A, the Aston Webb Boulevard between the Unversity South Gate and Harborne Lane was completed and opened in Summer 2011.
Phase 1B, now underway, consists of substantial highways improvements to the Selly Oak Triangle, made up of Bristol Road, Harborne Lane and Chapel Lane.
The principal changes involve:
Upgrading Harborne Lane (between the Bristol Road junction and the junction with Chapel Lane) into a two-way dual carriageway.
Re-configuring Chapel Lane to make it two-way and introducing a roundabout at the Battery Retail Park entrance.
Widening the footway along the north side of Bristol Road between the Harborne Lane and Chapel Lane junctions.
Upgrade of bus, pedestrian and cyclist facilities.
Birmingham City Council has appointed McPhillips (Wellington) Ltd to carry out the improvement works. Completion is scheduled for Summer 2020.
To view the relevant City Council web pages please click HERE.