Please join us and connect with your neighbours and community
Light Refreshments Available
Hope to see you there!
Welcome and apologies
Student building of Dogpool Lane
The Contractors Project Manager (responsible for the building work and lane closure), the architect, the building management team (responsible for the running of the building when it opens) and the developers (Alumno) will give an update and answer any questions you have.
They will explain how they will enforce the no cars policy and how any issues students may cause will be handled. It's our chance to raise any concerns and influence how their policies will work.
They will explain why they believe, based on learning from previous developments, this development will have a positive impact on the local economy and area. They believe it will bring good activity to the area in a managed positive way.
Community event in June
Traffic Calming survey feedback. What we learnt and the next steps.
Exempt Accommodation update
CANCELLED due to budget meeting. Feedback and Q&A with the Councillors
Feedback and Q&A with WMP - to be confirmed