A planning application has been made for a 20m 5G mast to be installed on the grassed area at the junction of Dogpool Lane and Pershore Road. The mast is more than twice the height of the nearby post office building.
The application is for a 'prior approval' which means that the principle of development is not an issue and the Council can only consider the siting and appearance of the proposal. Anyone can comment on it and, as the number of objections made will be considered in the approval process, if you do object please use the link below to let the planners know. All comments must be made before the 1st of October.
For more details see planning application 2020/06510/PA click here
To make comments, bear in mind that only comments concerning siting and appearance will be considered, click here
The Council has guidelines for Telecommunication infrastructure on their website click here
Update October 2020:
The application for prior approval was declined with the following reasons given:
1 The proposed telecommunications equipment would be, by virtue of its size, siting design and appearance, exposed and prominent in the street scene to the detriment of visual amenity. As such the proposal would be contrary to saved paragraphs 8.55 and 8.55 A-C of the Birmingham UDP 2005, Policy PG3 of the Birmingham Development Plan, Telecommunications Development: Mobile Phones Infrastructure adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document and the National Planning Policy Framework.
2 The proposed telecommunications equipment would be inappropriately sited in a sensitive location within close proximity to Selly Park Girls School and residential accommodation along Pershore Road. As such the proposal would be contrary to saved paragraphs 8.55 and 8.55 A-C of the Birmingham UDP 2005, the Telecommunications Development: Mobile Phones Infrastructure adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document, Policy PG3 of the Birmingham Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.
3 The proposed telecommunications equipment by reason of scale, siting, design and appearance would cause less than substantial harm to the setting of the locally listed former Hibernian PH. As such it would be contrary to Policies PG3 and TP12 of the Birmingham Development Plan 2017
